A selection of my reflections
Your body is your trustworthy companion
Our body is our companion from birth to death. We can do nothing without our body. Therefore, we need to have a loving relationship with it. Our body is forgiving if we treat it respectfully and handle it with care. It heals itself even after great excesses and illnesses. Learn about your body and take care of it.
We miss the present moment.
Slow Down
We either live in the past, good or bad, and in the future, bright or dull. We miss the present moment. But, it is the present that makes the future and the past. An unhurried and uncluttered mind is needed to enjoy the present which may be painful, joyous or just mundane. Life without meaning, purpose and joy is a life not lived. Slow down and savor life.
However much we have to do we don't have to be in a hurry. *
Most of us have a lot to do and we feel that unless we hurry we will not be able to finish our tasks, but it is hurry that unbalances us and mistakes happen. More time is then spent in correction, further hurry and worry. We often hear "smell the flowers" and we must also see, feel, hear and taste.
*Take Your Time, by Eknath Easwaran
A still mind brings the infinite joy and love for which we were born. *
The infinite joy and love is not any joy and not any love. It is what is given to us by our Creator in whose image we have been made and endowed with intelligence. Our true image can only be seen in a still mind. As we grow and experience life we get encrusted with opinions, hurts, defenses, beliefs, superstitions, restrictions and limitations, few right and mostly wrong. We need to sculpt our true selves out and become the humans we were intended to be.
*Take Your Time, by Eknath Easwaran
Directing attention at will is the most precious skill in life.
The ability to control attention and direct it at will is our biggest asset. We are not trained formally to develop this ability. Some of us acquire it and some do not. We need to develop it by focusing attention, hearing, vision and thoughts in one direction and sustaining it. Once you are able to control your attention then you will notice a significant enhancement in all your senses and thinking.
Nothing is trivial if you are focused
When the mind dwells on recurring, random thoughts, it becomes difficult to quieten the mind. We have to stop and focus our attention on the present activity, no matter how insignificant it seems. When you are totally absorbed in a task, you won’t experience disconnectedness, frustration or boredom. You, your tools and the task at hand become one.
On Meditation
Our subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind through intuition, inspiration, gut feelings and bodily sensations. Pay attention to them. They will guide you through the unknown.
Focus on what is important and reduce unnecessary activities. Distractions and turmoil make it hard to hear intuition and insights. A soft voice can only be heard in a quiet, peaceful mind.
Your daily activities are your meditation. The way you live should reflect what you believe in and who you are. It is the outer manifestation of your inner being. Build congruity between your inner and outer selves to achieve peace.
On Oneness
We don’t need to claim ownership over nature to enjoy its beauty. It exists for all of us to share and the moments we experience in nature become ours forever. If we spent more time in nature, imbibing its life force, we would learn to respect, and in turn, protect it.
We are all part of one family. A member in pain causes everyone to suffer while a joyful member increases everyone’s happiness. Remember that your laughter has the ripple effect of spreading joy to others.
We all share the same basic needs. Even saints, sages and prophets who have lived on this Earth are subject to its conditions. We are all of the Earth and contact with the Earth is life-giving and life-affirming. Let the Earth heal and nourish you.
On Healthy Living
Excess in any form is for the satisfaction of an out-of-control mind. It leads to temporary pleasure followed by a nagging dissatisfaction and desire for more. A lifestyle of excess cannot be maintained for long. Contentment and discipline are needed to achieve harmony.
Our body is forgiving if we treat it respectfully and handle it with care. It heals itself even after great excesses and illnesses. Learn about your body and take care of it.
Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. You cannot always sacrifice your happiness for the sake of others. Live your life in a way that makes you happy without hurting others.