Asanas are a devotional practice, like all spiritual practices Hatha Yoga brings us closer to understanding of ourselves and the truth.

Each asana has structural, physiological and psychological benefits. Beyond this are the meditative and spiritual outcomes.

We go through life with all the suffering not realizing that we are the masters of our destiny. The practice of yoga will lead to self awareness and self mastery.

A regular yoga practice will help to cultivate silence and solitude.

We compulsively do things to justify our existence. When we aren’t doing anything, we feel purposeless. We do not know how to sit still and relax since we are uncomfortable with silence and solitude. In silence and solitude, listen to your inner voice. Reflect on your life, and you will know where you are and where you’re headed. Reflection will lead to insights that will amaze you.



Virabhadra - Warrior



Nothing is trivial if you are focused

When the mind dwells on recurring, random thoughts, it becomes difficult to quieten the mind. We have to stop and focus our attention on the present activity, no matter how insignificant it seems. When you are totally absorbed in a task, you won’t experience disconnectedness, frustration or boredom. You, your tools and the task at hand become one. Intensely focused attention and minimum distractions are needed to achieve this state.

Ardha - Navasana

Ardha - Navasana

Ardha - Half

Nav - Boat

Asana - Posture


The eyes see what the mind expects

If you look for perfect moments—moments of peace and happiness—you will find them. You will either witness them or create them. It is all in your attitude.

Dvipada - Pitham

Dvipada - Pitham

Dvi - Two


Pitham - Posture


Do not stop dreaming

We all have dreams, but most of us don’t realize them and life ends. We have to pause, think, start dreaming and work to make those dreams come true. Let your aspirations sink into your subconsciousness and make firm intentions. Your focused intention has immense power—take the first step. The only limitation is your fearful mind.



Utthita - Extended

Trikona - Triangle



Life is an exquisite dance.

You have a singular role to play that no one else can fulfill. Find your place and participate in this extravaganza. You have your own story and your own truth. We are all heroes of our own myths.



Ustra - Camel



Our spirit has no limits

We underestimate ourselves and set imaginary limits on what is possible. Naysayers reside both inside and outside us—we need to overcome them. Go to the edge and then go a little beyond it. Expect discomfort not pain. Learn from those who have surpassed the limits.



Bhujanga - Serpent



Approach decisions systematically

Don’t take things at face value, check for their real worth. Take your time and use your intelligence. Explore every angle. Design an algorithm that helps you evaluate and choose.



Bala - Child



Just be

We are always working, learning, acquiring, planning and worrying. We lose ourselves in this process of doing. Sometimes we have to stop doing and just let things happen. Relax, listen, absorb, accept and enjoy.


Caturanga Dandasana.jpg


Catur - Four

Anga - Limb

Danda - Staff

Asana - Posture


You are not your mind

Your mind, a tool, can become your master and enslave you through your ego. Your ego is just a creation of your mind—once you realize this you can control the egocentric mind. A healthy ego is necessary for survival. A healthy ego fits the individual; it is neither small nor big.




Nataraja - Lord of the Dance

Asana - Posture


Be yourself

To pretend to be who you are not is exhausting. To be who you are is liberating. Be with those who accept you as you are. Accept them as they are.


Salamba - Sarvangasana

Sa - With

Alamba - Support

Sarva - All

Anga - limb

Asana - Posture


You are where your attention is.
Attention is the link between our conscious mind, inner selves and outside universe. We become one with what captures our attention. Yet, our attention is often not where it should be. We need to know where our attention is in order to place it where it needs to be.